New Life

Plant, Garden, and Farm

Support in Plant for Hero: Plant for Hero is dedicated to providing support and assistance to veterans through the power of the plant. Our mission is to create therapeutic and sustainable using a plant to help with allowing them to reconnect with nature, heal from their experiences, and develop new skills. We believe that plant offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits, and we strive to make these opportunities accessible to all veterans. With your support, we can continue to expand our programs, provide garden resources and education, and create a nurturing community where veterans can thrive.

Raise Bed Garden: One of the key initiatives at Plant for Hero is the establishment of raised bed gardens for veterans. Raised beds offer several advantages, including improved accessibility for veterans with physical limitations, better soil control, and reduced weed growth. By providing veterans with raised bed gardens, we empower them to grow their own fruits, vegetables, and herbs, fostering self-sufficiency and promoting healthy eating habits. These gardens not only contribute to the physical well-being of veterans but also serve as a therapeutic outlet, allowing them to find solace and purpose in cultivating the earth. Through your support, we can construct more raised bed gardens and provide the necessary tools, seeds, and guidance for veterans to embark on their gardening journey.

The Future of a Farm: Living Free Life Farm, we envision the future of a farm that goes beyond just gardening. We aim to create a sustainable, community-centered farm where veterans can find not only therapeutic benefits but also employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. Our dream is to establish a farm that serves as a training ground, offering agricultural education, workshops, and hands-on experience to veterans interested in pursuing careers in farming or starting their own agricultural businesses. This farm would not only provide veterans with a sense of purpose and fulfillment but also contribute to food security, sustainability, and economic growth in the community. With your support, we can bring this vision to life and create a lasting impact on the lives of veterans and the future of agriculture.

Emergency Service

Food Assistance, Houston Assistance, Family Assistance